Inauguration Day

Today Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. Now I don’t want a huge political debate to happen, not like anyone reads my blog anyways but still. Regardless of what your opinion is about President Trump, this transition of power is a significant time of change in our beautiful country. While I totally understand the weight of what happened today and I appreciate the people acknowledging it on social media, it is important to remember who is really in control.

Yeah you know where I’m going with this. God almighty, creator of the universe and our Savior is still sovereign over all. To those of you who see this as an era of errors coming to an end and a new “great” era starting, God has been in control these last 8 years and his hand was in the presidency of Obama just as it is going to be in Trump’s. Just because a man who claims to like red more than blue is in power doesn’t mean God’s plans are finally coming to fruition. God’s plan is always in action, regardless of what party is in power. And to all of you embarrassed to be Americans and afraid of what is to come: God is still sovereign. And can I just say that one man in a power position for four years is not the end of the world. Especially considering we all collectively have far greater power to make change than any individual who likes to use all caps on twitter far too much. So I repeat myself, God. Is. In. Control. So shout with elation, or weep and protest, but through it all remember that the one who loves us most will never leave his position of power.

Now in my opinion, partisan splits are kinda unnecessary, especially if we all retweet the same memes. So to help remind us the gap between us all is not so wide as we think, here is a grand list of things that make me happy on the bleakest of days.

-John Mayer. (and may I say he released new music today and it is incredible)

-Young Leo DiCaprio in Titanic

-That candle that makes Anthropologie smell so good (you’re welcome)

-Starbucks iced caramel machiatto

-Chad Michael Murray

-a sunset on a warm spring day

-wearing a large denim shirt basically everyday of my life

-videos of kittens meowing

-The $5 movie section at Target

this video

-The Pride and Prejudice soundtrack

-brain storming baby names for my future children

-classic memes like “ermagherd” girl

-the $5 candle section at Target


-Wearing a great outfit

-Kate Middleton raising Prince George while wearing heels

Now this is just a short list, but I think if we all take some time today (and everyday) to remember we all the things we have to be thankful for in this world it will help to lighten the day. Also I mean who hates John Mayer (no one)? We aren’t so different after all. We can all sing along to Free Fallin’, we all like beautiful things, we all want to be deeply known and deeply loved. So let us enter these next four years with compassion and grace for all people, even those with different political views than our own, especially those with different political views than our own.

peace n blessin’s


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